Seasons to be Cheerful: the Four Seasons Garden
July 31st, 2023
From a labyrinth of topiary in winter to the lingering scent of unashamedly romantic roses in summer – our new Four Seasons Garden will officially open in spring ‘24. But first, our lucky members get a sneak preview to watch it develop…
Our new Four Seasons Garden over near the Farmyard is ready for an early peek for members and guests ahead of its official launch next spring. Take the scenic new path via the Kitchen Garden and Orchards to find a large ornamental garden with areas dedicated to each season, each designed to peak in spring, summer, autumn or winter and provide fleeting splendour at the opportune moment.
Usually, a garden makes compromises so as to offer something blooming during every month. Here, we decided to create connecting gardens, each optimised for one season, with no compromises. The benefit will be a garden that truly sings together all year.
The summer garden will be awash with roses in romantic hues: winding around pergolas, climbing walls and brightening borders. Beds are edged in lavender hedging and resting points invite you to stop awhile and breathe in the heady scent. A full-size cast of the Peter Pan statue which stands in London’s Kensington Gardens can be found at the centre of the garden, for dreaming of Neverland.

There are unexpected touches to delight along the path, too. A pond here, a bog garden there (look/listen out for Captain Hook’s arch nemesis), flashes of silver from an outdoor fish tank. The cherry orchard paddling pond at the heart of the spring garden provides a natural gathering point for families, rills segmenting a lawned area to play and picnic.
Sketches and designs for the garden were first drawn up by Patrice Taravella in the summer of 2020, with the helm taken by our in-house Estate Architect Katie Lewis, and Head Gardener, Stephen Herrington.
“It has been years in the making and is not over yet,” says Head Gardener, Stephen Herrington. “Hopefully our members will enjoy experiencing the living development of this garden as we finish preparing it for next year’s official opening – coming along on the journey with us, seeing the team’s work in progress and perhaps learning something along the way.”
Members can preview the Four Seasons Garden now when visiting the estate.
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